April 18, 2022

FunkQuest – Season 5 – Episode 1 -Shawny Hill v Andrew Dunning

Season 5 of FunkQuest begins with the USA (In Canada) vs Scotland... Funky or what? In this episode, snowmen, vampires dying their hair black and cheap shots in Ice Hockey.

or listen to the Audio below

Question 1

Andrew went first and chose 'The Cogs'

Where do you keep your guests away from?

Shawny chose the 'Waterfall'

How many times have you moved house?

Question 2

Andrew picked the 'Pile of Burgers'

Which are better big parties or small gatherings?

Shawny liked the 'Snowscape'

Where were you when you last got angry?

Question 3
Andrew took a shine to the 'Action Figure'

What commandment would you add to the 10?

Shawny picked the 'Fast Car'

Which TV series have you binged on?

Question 4

Andrew chose the 'Toy Bricks'

When did you have to complain about the service?

Shawny picked 'The Playground'

When was the last time you made a snowman?#

Question 5

The 'Space Nebula' was chosen by Andrew

What's the worst thing you have been late for?

Shawny chose the 'Treasure Chest'

How often do you win things?

FunkQuest season 5

Too busy to listen to the full episode?

Get the key highlights below

To vote for your favourite FUNKSTER in FunkQuest is easy...

1. Listen or watch the episode from start to finish.

2. Take note of which FUNKSTER gives you the biggest insight, idea, thought or suggestion.

3. Follow the instructions on how to vote at the end of the show.

4. Follow along with #funkquest.

Voting closes 12noon UK/Big Ben time FRIDAY 22nd April.
The winner in this instance goes through to the next round of FunkQuest - Season 5.

Discussed in this episode>


  • For the sake of good sportsmanship, and also because Canadians are awesome, I must vote for Shawney ☺️

  • So much fun! Allow me to return the gesture to Andrew and place a vote for him because he was a rock star!

    I vote for Andrew.

    • Thank you Shawney. Safe to say you were a worthy winner 🏆🏆☺️❤️🌎🙏

  • Sorry, too many references to “gingers”, Andrew. No offense, but SHAWNY gets my vote.

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