This is it! we have reached the Final of Season 4 and the winner of this Seasons Funkquest is now down to you the voters. Will it be Josh or Barb who takes the 'Grand champion Funkster' Crown?
Or listen to the Audio below

Question 1
Joshua chose the 'Field Hockey player'
What was the best dining experience you have ever had?
Barb chose the' River Scene'
How many piercings do you have?
Question 2
Josh picked the 'Oil Rig'
What was your proudest moment?
Barb decided upon the 'Stereo'
How much of something is too much?
Question 3
Joshua wanted the 'Hot Air Balloon'
What was the last TV series you binge watched?
Barb decided on the 'Drought Scene'
Where is the best place to find you at 10am on a Sunday Morning?
Question 4
Joshua plumped for the 'Ballet Dancer'
When was the last time you said "I told you so"
Barb chose the 'Copper Tea Pot'
What small changes led to a big difference?
Question 5
Joshua liked the look of the 'Astronaut'
What type of Phone do you have?
Barb picked the 'Truck'
How would the world change if superheroes really existed?
To vote for your favourite FUNKSTER in FunkQuest is easy...
1. Listen or watch the episode from start to finish.
2. Take note of which FUNKSTER gives you the biggest insight, idea, thought or suggestion.
3. Follow the instructions on how to vote at the end of the show.
4. Follow along with #funkquest.
Voting for Barb
BARB…she did it again, even with questions that did not easily showcase her brilliance. (Plus, a crown will cover her hair on the days when there’s no running water in her house pipes!) Could listen to Barb all day long!!
There’s a reason she made it to the final round. BARB for the gold!
Barb 🙂
Barb for the win!
Barb is the funkiest and deserves the crown.
Barb Braendlein
Voting for Barb!
Barb hands down ❤️
The episode gets syndicated to multiple podcast platforms as well as YouTube.
Barb is my FunkQuest super hero.
Barb! Want to see her wear the crown!
Barb makes such fun conversation! She deserves the crown!
Definitely Barb!
Barb is so awesome
Barb! (a.k.a. My mother.)
Barb!!! She would look so good in a crown! Plus her ability to quickly make conversation with a simple question is brilliant!
Barb is deserving of the crown! Now I have to go start my laundry.
Vote for Barb. Uncle John will be too busy with everyone living in his basement.
BARB ALL THE WAY!!! She has such a great wit about her. Always great answers.
Barb has my vote. She will win by a landslide!!
THE WINNER IS BARB!!!!! She will always have my vote!!
My vote goes to Barb. Funny lady!!
I vote for Barb. She will take the win!!
I vote for Barb. Cool answers.
Barb!!! Cheerful work leads to BIG EFFECT… like CHANGING the World!
Barb Brandlein
Barb all the way!
I agree with Joshua, I probably wouldn’t carry the key to the city around either, especially since the memory of it would seem to stay fresh and sharp and beautiful. What an honor received. But, I truly can picture Barbara wearing a crown while washing dishes and doing laundry, and that would be a sight to behold. So, a vote cast for Barb ☺️
BARB!! She’s one of my favorite people ever…so witty and hilarious!
voting for Barb
voting for Barb
Voting closed. Preparing results