Season 4 episode 2 has Jean Robor (Number 2 seed in this season) with newcomer Randi Bowslaugh
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Question 1
Jean chose the Bicycle
What difference do Zodiac Signs make to you?
She felt that they made no difference to what she does in her life, occasionally looks at them on the internet. When younger she read them in womens magazines.Her birthday is coming up and she knows she is a Scorpio -overall great people
Randi picked the Street Circus
Where do you get pampered?
The Gym seems a funny place to get pampered but as a Kick Boxer Randi enjoys being there. With helmets and nose guards to keep safe the exercise is just a lot of fun.
Question 2
Jean settled on the childs feet
What about the opposite sex confuses you the most?
Communicating with each other seems to be the hardest thing. Deciding where to go for dinner is still difficult after 20 years of marriage. Where do you want to go? - I don't know where do you want to go?.
Randi chose the Pool Table
When was the last time you said never?
Randi says she doesn't like to talk in absolutes 'Never' and 'Always' are words she avoids as there is always a chance that something will happen.
Question 3
Jean decided on the peaceful Sunset
Where do you keep all your tools?
Having recently moved from an old 6 bedroomed house to a low mainteneace 2 bedroom apartment jean had got rid of all her tools except for a few screwdrivers which she keeps in her linen cupboard.
Randi Picked the Lime drink
How would you define yourself?
Used to being on podcasts and talkshows Randi has answered this question quite often. She is; an author,a speaker and mental health advocate, but more than that a very crazy creative person.
Question 4
Randi - in fairness - got to choose first - the Pencil Crayons
What do you think the New York Times Headline will say on this day in ten years?
'Remember the beginning of the Pandemic' was her final answer, although what 'wave' we might still be living with it in, would be questionable.
Jean chose the Mountain Scene
Which is the best Rollercoaster ride?
In the city of Charlotte in North carolina "Carrow Winds" holds a very scary rollercoaster. Jean however would not be riding it at all as it makes her stomach churn just looking at it. Going Up might be ok but the Down bit no thankyou.
Question 5
Randi chose the Dancer
Where do you go to meet new people?
Randi goes on different podcasts to meet people or invites them onto her own podcast the 'Write or Die Show'. In January at her Kick Boxing Gym there is an influx of new people to meet as they arrive to fulfil their New Years resolutions.
Jean picked the Car Wheel
How do you flirt?
Fluttering her eyelashes, Jean explained that she flirts with her husband occasionally and sometimes her Southern friendliness can be mistaken for flirting when she smiles or winks at people.
What are the FUNKQUEST rules?
FunkQuest is a fun interactive online game that features five rounds. Each player selects the icon which most tweaks their interest. Each Funky icon has a Funky question.
The question shown may or may not be related to the icon.
SO potential Funksters have to think on their feet. The winner is decided by the audience and goes through to the next round.
What's so good about FUNKQUEST ?
Funky Thinkers know that IDEAS only come from free-flowing CONVERSATION.
Listening (without prejudice) to new ideas and speakers from outside your usual network truly qualifies as FUNKY.
Each question has a strict time limit. So no multi-headed long and complicated self indulgent stories to endure. Just short punchy bite-sized truly Funky ideas, as we GET THE FUNK OUT!
One of these FUNKSTERS is through to the QUARTER FINALS of FunkQuest - Season 4. But who? YOU decide.
To vote for your favourite FUNKSTER in FunkQuest is easy...
1. Listen or watch the episode from start to finish.
2. Take note of which FUNKSTER gives you the biggest insight, idea, thought or suggestion.
3. Follow the instructions on how to vote at the end of the show.
4. Follow along with #funkquest.
Randi gets points for her fabulous glasses frames and being from Ontario, but my choice for winner is Jean. That accent is so beguiling, AND her outrageous flirting tipped the scales. 🙂
My votes for Jean love her witty personality and sense of humor!
Randi-Lee Bowslaugh
Randi Lee Bowslaugh
Randi Lee Bowslaugh
Voting for the kickboxer – Randi…
As a self confessed flirt, Jean gets my vote…
Voting for Randi
Voting for Randi
Jean gets my vote
Randi-Lee Bowslaugh gets my vote ????
Randi-Lee Bowslaugh all the way !
Voting is now closed. Results show to follow shortly