Being the lower ranked FUNKSTER, Rebecca went first.
Q1. What are you interested in that most people aren't?
Rebecca went with a TV show and Rustie went with belly dancing. (We moved on to talk about Bhangra dancing and there is a link to that below).
Q2. What was the last live event you went ?
Rebecca went to "ignite your inner potential" and Rustie went to a roller derby.
Q3. Rebecca picked the multi coloured trainer and the question is "When did you last play a board game?"
Rebecca is a word game speed freak and Rustie played dominoes.
Q4. Rustie picked the records and the question is "What really needs to be modernised?"
A discussion about how people talk to each other...
Q5. Rebecca picked the barrel and the question is "Where do you get your news?"
A discussion about the BBC followed.
To vote for your favourite FUNKSTER in the Funky Thinkers playoffs is easy...
1. Listen or watch the episode from start to finish.
2. Take note of which FUNKSTER gives you the biggest insight, idea, thought or suggestion.
3. Follow the instructions on how to vote at the end of the show.
4. Follow along with #lovefunkquest and #funkythinkersplayoffs.
The winner goes through to the next round. The loser... we stay friends but they are out of the competition.