Norton, Mansfield is the smaller of two parts of Norton Cuckney parish council. But in the telephone box stakes, it is Norton 1 Cuckney 0.
There isn't a red telephone box in Cuckney, so we can ignore that.
The telephone box on Limetree Avenue (or Carburton Road, as it is known locally), has no phone, no books but a few notices about how the phone box will be removed. (Boo)
The address of this red telephone box is:
Limetree Avenue (Known locally as Carburton Road)
NG20 9LP
Every red telephone box we visit is ranked and sorted according to one simple question "What is is doing now to support the local community and keep the conversation going?" The phone box at Norton has no phone - so it is impossible to add this to our leaderboard of FUNKIEST phone boxes.