Leana Delle claimed she had to miss a Doctors appointment to record this episode. If you are listening or watching boss. Hope you enjoy it...

​What are the FUNKQUEST rules?

Funkquest is a fun interactive online game that features five rounds. Each round consists of ONE FUNKY question.The player​ selects the icon which most tweaks their interest.  Each Funky visual has a Funky question.
The Funky insight is that the question may or may not be related to the icon.

SO potential Funksters have to think on their feet to score points. Points are awarded by me for FUNKY answers...

What's so good about FUNKQUEST ​?

​Funky Thinkers know that IDEAS only come from free-flowing CONVERSATION.
Listening (without prejudice) to new ideas and speakers from outside your usual network truly qualifies as FUNKY.
ach question has a strict time limit. So no multi-headed long and complicated stories to endure.  Just short punchy bite-sized ideas, 

Q1. Leana picked the hippy chicks and the question is "What was the last photo you took?"

A photo of a photo on a phone of a friends cat.

And that's the thing. Previously, photos had a currency, a value. You could only take either 24 or 36 (if you had money). Now they are a throwaway currency.

Someday when you got Grandkids, you will be saying to them "This is the breakfast I had in 1999"

85 points scored.

3/4 point scored for the Soviet Union soccer shirt. Total 85 3/4

Q2. Leana picked the telephone and the question is "What was your most recent lie?"

Leana told her boss that she had a Doctor's appointment so that she could spend 30 minutes recording the show.

If you look closely at the faces of cyclists from the Lance Armstrong era, you will see a look of fear on their faces. Fear they are going to be caught. Because they are lying.

30 minute Doctor's appointment. 30 points.

Total 115 3/4

Q3. Leana picked the show and the question is "What are you currently worried about?"

Leana is worried about her job. Now that her employer has been taken over by a large corporation. (Yes remarkable I know...)

Everything always works out. And here is the thing, large corporations are typically run by accountants and bean counters.

They won't be lied awake at night, worried about Leana.

Speaking of beans, I rounded the score up to 180. (To make it easier to add up)

Total 180

Q4. Leana picked the girl with the guitar and the question is who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

Leana goes out of her way to be nice to people who are having a bad day.  Very nice. 25 points scored.

Total 205

Leana knew who George Harrison was. Total 206 points.

Q5. Leana picked George and the question is "When was the last time you had a new lease of life?"

Leana defines this as "I can do this thing" or a sense of possibility

Leana scored 62 points plus the 2 years that Leana and myself have known each other = 67 points.

Total 269 - Tied with Lenora
Then point added -why? - see below.

270 points and comfortably into the playoffs for two time Funky Thinker Leana Delle. (Bonus point for - probably - being the only Leana Delle in the world).