This episode of FunkQuest became a walkover for Bobby, as his proposed opponent had technical difficulties. Joshua Shea (Assistant Head Funkster)stepped into the breach and between them they made a very interesting episode. Plus - another first for the show.
Bobby is the first trapeze artist we have ever featured. See picture although I did find that looking at pictures and videos of trapeze artists did make me feel a little dizzy. Be careful...)

Don't look too closely at this...
Or listen to the Audio below
Question 1
Joshua chose the 'Las Vegas Sign'
What is your favourite Take Away/Take Out?
Bobby Chose the ' SewingThreads and Tape'
How do you cheer someone up?
Question 2
Joshua picked the 'Village on Stilts'
Where do you think you will never go?
Bobby decided on the Yellow Flowers'
What is the most ridiculous thing you wore?
Question 3
Joshua chose the 'Sheep'
What do you do when nobody is looking?
Bobby remembered his time in England and picked 'Tower Bridge'
What things do you have a collection of?
Question 4
Joshua liked the 'Sea Plane'
When did you last do a Quiz?
Bobby zoomed in on the 'Dog'
What was the longest you queued for?
Question 5
Joshua went for the 'Test Tubes'
When did you last get good news?
Bobby picked the 'Fish and Chips'
How do you keep fit?