Zoo Glamour Clay Cross was the location for the latest Funky Thinkers outside broadcast.

In this episode, I learn.

  • ​The one thing that Maire wants to kick off the shelf at the local supermarket.
  • ​​Why visiting the dentist is very similar to having your hair done.
  • The grammy winning singer who would do well to get to Zoo Glamour.

​To make a booking - ring 01246 461883 or visit their Facebook page.

The world needs more Funky Thinking banner

​Do you think either of these people had their hair done at the supermarket?

Billy Idol

​Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

​Billy Idol

​Behind the scenes at a place like Zoo Glamour is a cross between a chemistry lab and an honours night at a high class hotel.

Maire Zoo Glamour Clay Crss

​Maire cooking up some chemicals...

Zoo Glamour Clay Cross

​Like an A level chemistry classroom.

Zoo Glamour Clay Cross

​Qualifications and experise coming from all angles.

​I really had no idea of the skill required, both technical and personal, to be a hairdresser.

Where else would you go to sit in a chair, for possibly hours on end and talk to someone else, face to face. They won't judge you or make comment about what you are saying. Even better - the won't charge you for it either.

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chesterfield, clay cross, Outside Broadcast, zoo glamour, zoo glamour clay cross

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