A) FunkQUEST needs two to four players, plus one Host (Head Funkster). You can have unlimited non playing spectators. Only one device is needed to play FunkQuest. We recommend playing on a laptop or desktop computer.
B) If one or more of the players is connecting via video calling, the Head Funkster can screen-share the board so all players can see. For instructions on how to screen-share on various video-calling apps, click here
1. Decide who picks an image on row one.
Usually the youngest funkster goes first

2. The Head Funkster then clicks on that image.

3. The image reveals a question, which the funkster has one minute to answer.

4. When the minute is up, time to stop talking and return to the main board.
5. The next funkster chooses an image on the row.

6. After all funksters have answered at least one question from every row on the board ...Click “Finish”.

7. The Head Funkster and non playing spectators vote for the Funksters they believe had the funkiest, interesting, insightful or funniest, answers to the questions.
8. The champion funkster is the funkster with the most votes.
These rules are not set in stone and you can adapt how you play FunkQuest as suits your family and friends. (If you invent a cool rule, let us know...)