If you want to be on the show, click the button below to sign up. Be sure to tell us what makes YOU a Funky person - are you funkier than a Bigfoot hunter? Or a Boston Marathon winner? Or a pillow fighting champion?
Is the Paranormal a real thing? Find out with John Olsen. John lived in a haunted house in Bridgerland, Utah, when he was very young. He became interested in finding out more and has been tracking down paranormal incidents for most of his life. His books are full of stories about people who have encountered the Paranormal
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While looking for people who do ‘Unusual Jobs’ we found ‘First Piper’ Ross OC Jennings who travels the world playing the Bagpipes.Are there really people who enjoy the sound of Bagpipes?I bet you didn’t think that those harsh, ear drum splitting, droney instruments could give you access to just about every country in the world.How
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The British YoYo Association was founded by Luke Roberts and a couple of colleagues and it has become part of a world wide phenomenon of Regional, National, European and Asian competitions.Who would have thought that a piece of string, with a bit of wood wrapped round the end of it, could make it so big?We
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If you thought queueing or standing in line was just a great british tradition, think again…Looking for people who do unusual jobs we found Angela Lauria who was a professional ‘standing in line person’ on Capital Hill in Washington DC.If you were a lawyer or lobbyist who needed a seat in a Congressional hearing or
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Boring details - What are the FUNKQUEST rules?
There are only three rules. No swearing, no politics and no religion. Apart from that, you can say what you want. The winner of the episode is based on audience votes. They will decide who is crowned Grand Champion Funkster.