Ann and Teri were the first players in our new Funquest  'Nobility' challenge.

What are the FUNKQUEST rules?

FunkQuest is a fun interactive online game that features five rounds. Each player selects the icon which most tweaks their interest.  Each Funky icon has a Funky question.
The question shown may or may not be related to the icon.

SO potential Funksters have to think on their feet. The winner is decided by the audience and goes through to the next round.

What's so good about FUNKQUEST ?

Funky Thinkers know that IDEAS only come from free-flowing CONVERSATION.
Listening (without prejudice) to new ideas and speakers from outside your usual network truly qualifies as FUNKY.
ach question has a strict time limit. So no multi-headed long and complicated stories to endure.  Just short punchy bite-sized ideas, 

FUNK filed under

Ann Smith, teri ritter

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